Poker Strategy

Poker Player Types to be Aware of

Ok, you’ve found a nice table and you are sitting down still waiting to be dealt your first hand. Use the time to study the game. At a 1-2 $… læs mere

Table Selection and General Awarness

The first thing you have to consider is finding a table that suits you and your bankroll. Make sure you never go to play at a table where you cannot… læs mere

Forced plays and unrealistic goals

When I sit down at a poker table I expect to win. As a matter of fact I expect to win to an extent that I will be hugely disappointed… læs mere

How to play a freeroll tournament

“All winners are players, but not all players are winners” a good natured soul once told me when I was considering whether to buy into the next tourney at the… læs mere

I played live poker, but I didnt shoot the deputy

There comes a time in every online player’s life when he feels ready to try his acquired skills from the world of cyber poker at the real life tables. Sure… læs mere

Benefits of Position and How it Affects your Hand

Now we have established that you need to play a tight game but when you get a great hand you need to be aggressive. Here is an important lesson regarding… læs mere

Drawing hands

You have to make an important distinction between the hands you do chose to play. Either they are hands that can win outright, or they are drawing hands. When you… læs mere

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